Material Accumulation Gone Wild! "My mother is insane" page 7


The master bathroom's shower. Since the door when opened would drip onto carpet, my mom decided not to use this shower. So she did the only natural thing and filled it with boxes. We use the shower/bath in the other bathroom.

On the way back out of my bedroom, just a quick look at a small fraction of the crappy books gotten from eBay.


Okay, into the backyard. A house down the street was having a moving sale, and gave my mom that table for free because they didn't want to move it. It's solid oak, and two people can barely lift it. She put it there to keep it out of the rain, which is also why there's a piece of cardboard on top. It didn't work, and now it's spliting. You can see some more saved birdseed jars on it there.

There's pallets along the back of the house, because in winter that part turns into a mud pit.

The garage. This thing has looked pretty much the same for the last couple of years, since there's no room for anything to be added to it.

More of the garage stuff. That used to be a path to the back, but now it's too narrow to fit through.


Chairs in the rafters.